I am a firm believer in the co-teaching model. My school
implemented this model over five years ago dissolving all self-contained
classes that we once had in the elementary school and have not looked back
since. Having two teachers in the classroom as well as a teaching assistant
allows us to implement small group instruction for the majority of the day.
Needless to say with the elimination of the self-contained
classrooms, we have absorbed any and all students with emotional needs, and/or
behaviors. These past few months have been on the
more difficult side with one of our students and I am looking for simple
behavior plan ideas. This student often has emotional outbursts and needs to be
removed from the classroom for swearing and prolonged meltdowns. We remove him
to a quite empty room and bring him back when he is ready. He is currently in
the process of being evaluated, but functions at about a three-year old level.
We have tried
using pictures –(happy/sad), first/then charts. He really is not ready for a
behavior chart. I am looking for any and all of your suggestions please!
Thank you in advance for your ideas! J